Lead Developer
The Kinematic Robotic Arm Tele-Operated System, or KRATOS, was a two-part project aimed at solving issues surrounding remote operation of robotic limbs and hands. Most systems in use consist of some kind of joystic-operated mechanism to control motion and articulation of a robot's end-effector. Project KRATOS introduces a novel control mechanism that is highly intuitive and easy to use.
The project is twofold: The first component is a robotic hand that mimics the motion of a real human hand, and the second is a glove containing various sensors to detect motion. Through any means of remote operational technology, the user's own hand motions will be translated exactly to their robotic counterpart. The robotic hand also contains various sensors to detect when it makes contact with a foreign body, which is translated to haptic feedback in the glove, literally giving the user the ability to feel what the robot feels.
KRATOS was my senior capstone at San Jose State University, and was completed with two other Computer Engineering students. The mechanical design of the robotic end-effector was done by a member of the SJSU Robotics Club, as the first use of the project was for their prototype Mars rover. Four years later, Project KRATOS is still integrated with their design.